Rock Outcrops, Cliffs, and Bluffs (Low to Mid Elevation)
Rock Outcrops, Cliffs, and Bluffs include all rock outcrops except for Rocky Summits (above 4000 feet) and Mafic Domes. They usually consist of quartzite, gneiss or schists, creating fairly acidic conditions. These cliffs and outcrops often occur as bluffs along river gorges, but can include any large rock outcropping. Herbs, shrubs, and stunted trees grow upon ledges and within crevices. Seepages add diversity to the vegetation.
What's special: Steep river bluffs along rivers are very picturesque, with dramatic views, stunted vegetation clinging to the rocks, exposed rock, and textured bryophytes..
Related communities: At higher elevations, this community grades into High Elevation Outcrops. As conditions become less acidic, the community will grade into Mafic Domes.
As discussed MORE HERE outcrops and cliffs are tough environments that experience extremes of drought and high temperatures, as well as cold and occasional saturation. Plants adapt in fascinating ways.
Learn MORE HERE about rock types and their affect on plants.
Related communities: At higher elevations, this community grades into High Elevation Outcrops. As conditions become less acidic, the community will grade into Mafic Domes.
As discussed MORE HERE outcrops and cliffs are tough environments that experience extremes of drought and high temperatures, as well as cold and occasional saturation. Plants adapt in fascinating ways.
Learn MORE HERE about rock types and their affect on plants.
Click on a plant name to see images. Plants are listed in alphabetical order by scientific name. Trees Red maple Acer rubrum Downy serviceberry Amelanchier arborea Black birch Betula lenta Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum Shortleaf pine Pinus echinata Table Mountain pine Pinus pungens White pine Pinus strobus Virginia pine Pinus virginiana Rock chestnut oak Quercus montana Shrubs Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia Black huckleberry Gaylussacia baccata Witch-hazel Hamamelis virginiana Smooth hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens Shrubby St. John's-wort Hypericum prolificum St. Andrew's cross Hypericum stragulum Mountain laurel Kalmia latifolia Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Great laurel Rhododendron maximum Gorge rhododendron Rhododendron minus Winged sumac Rhus copallinum Smooth sumac Rhus glabra Smooth blackberry Rubus canadensis Sparkleberry Vaccinium arboreum Deerberry Vaccinium stamineum Vines Crossvine Bignonia capreolata Trumpet vine Campsis radicans Climbing hydrangea Decumaria barbara Smooth southern bush-honeysuckle Diervilla sessilifolia Carolina jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens Coral honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Passion flower/May-pop Passiflora incarnata Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Greenbrier (whiteleaf/sawbrier) Smilax glauca Poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans Muscadine Vitis rotundifolia Ground Layer Wildflowers Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia Harebell Campanula divaricata Woodland coreopsis Coreoposis major Glade rushfoil Croton willdenowii Roundleaf eupatorium Eupatorium rotundifolium Creeping aster Eurybia surculosa Rock alumroot Heuchera villosa Cliff saxifrage Hydatica petiolaris Pineweed Hypericum gentianoides Mountain dwarf-dandelion Krigia montana Blazing star Liatris spicata Appalachian beardtongue Penstemon canescens Appalachian milkwort Polygala curtissii Licorice (sweet) goldenrod Solidago odora Wide-leaved spiderwort Tradescantia subaspera Grasses Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii Wavy hairgrass Avenella flexuosa Silky oatgrass Danthonia sericea Poverty oatgrass Danthonia spicata Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Ferns and Fern Allies Mountain spleenwort Asplenium montanum Ebony spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron Twisted-hair spikemoss Bryodesma tortipila Marginal woodfern Dryopteris marginalis Myriopteris lanosa Hairy lipfern Appalachian rockcap fern Polypodium appalachianum Rockcap fern Polypodium virginianum |
Representative trees in order by scientific nameRepresentative shrubs and vinesRepresentative ground layer in order by colorRepresentative ferns in order by scientific name